Tuesday, July 26, 2011

See Beyond

Those who close their eyes
Not from annoyance,
But to see beyond,
They open their minds

But Those who keep their eyes open
Not from fear,
But so they may observe,
They open their minds as well

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Nature Diary # 8


Talking Cat

     I    think that I might know how to talk cat a bit since I've been observing some in my neighborhood and "Talking" to them.

        Or maybe they've just gotten used to me.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Hidden Secrets

Notice, friends,
That the water in
Thy cup is still
Yet holds no secrets

But if, the wind
Shall rock it
Those hidden secrets
will be swept away

Friday, July 1, 2011


To pick up a pebble
From the river bed
Is to pick up a piece
of your soul

To drop a pebble
Into the frigid stream
Is not throwing it away
But sending it on a journey

I found a pebble
a small happy white pebble
Set it afloat on a leaf
And I watched it go ...