Saturday, June 30, 2012

Clumpy Jo

So I'm attending this camp at Belmont Hill School.  I earned the nickname Clumpy and my friend got nicknamed Jo.  The teacher there is the kind of person who gives nicknames to everybody.  Anyways,  We were sitting together and he started calling us Clumpy Jo. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

One Tree, Two Moons

    When you see my drawing, the first thing you notice is that there are two girls.  People ask me, "Which one are you?"  I can't really answer that question.  I drew this tree keeping in mind that the girl on the left represent me, but I wouldn't say that she is I.  She represents a lot of others as well, as does the girl on the right.  It just happens that her story fits mine.  It might fit yours as well.  Who knows.

    Last year, a very good friend of mine that I had just known for the school year moved to Florida.   She wasn't too happy about it.  But this reminded me of another friend.  I had a good friend back in my first grade.  Her name was Sasha.  At the playground in my old school, there was a very large tree - or it just seemed big to us at the time, and we would always play near it.  Sasha was the one who got me into nature.  We would always be near the tree at recess time, talking about eating leaves, climbing trees, "making" bird nests with twigs.  I think that she was the one who really gave me creativity.  It sounds funny, but we would always try to control the wind with our hands.  I liked her very much as a friend and probably more than she liked me.   But at the end of the year, she proudly declared that she was going to move.  The whole class made her goodbye cards.  She kept talking about how excited she was to move and how she couldn't wait any longer.  I tried to be happy for her too, but honestly, I was sad.  I hope that she has found another tree where she is living now and that she will learn from it as I learned from the tree in that playground.

  This tree represents my relationship with my friend in first grade, the one I has last year, and all my other friends that have been washed away in my life.  I hope that no matter how faded they become, they will always have a place in my heart, and that this tree will always remind me of their kindness and generosity.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Comic Characters

She's the main character of the comic.   A spunky girl, always on top of things, never afraid.  She's watching you!

Emily and Heike's friend.  He's a boy...not a girl.  He has a really high self esteem and is always dorky and happy.  It's hard to believe that he once was depressed.