So school is now in full bloom...
Exciting isn't it? You decide if that's sarcasm or not.
I think that my new teachers are very friendly in general... I can give you a beginning-of-the-year review of them. Ha ha...I should also rate them!
Math teacher:
I like this teacher a lot. The first week of school she already knew all of our names. My parents suspected that the teacher had pre-memorized our names but when I asked her, she said that she had not. I have never met a teacher who could memorize names so quickly. Also she has an extremely interesting background in not only teaching. She is very understanding and trusts you as we trust her back. She can contain the class very well.
History Teacher:
He seems to be very nice and likes to go with the flow. I like how he wears bow tie instead of a normal tie. He can be a little confusing in his instruction and is the kind of teacher who doesn't show many of his emotions or interests and answers questions very plainly...not being mean or having mercy. Although I have realized that sometimes he himself is humored by the class clowns.
ELA Teacher:
I will use her favorite word to describe her: annoying. But I do respect her, especially how she is different. She often talks about how busy she is and how she won't except anything that does not follow anything she says. So I have learned - if she says it, she means it. This is what I kind of like about her attitude...especially how she scolds kids in the hallway, pretending to be a mean teacher when she really isn't. What I don't like about her is that she doesn't seem to care about us. That's fine, I suppose, she can't be forced to like us. What I don't like about her class is that nothing sticks to me. Anything she says seems to go out through my other ear.
Science teacher:
This teacher's teaching method is much to my favor. I think that her method of teaching is excellent! In class we never use loose-leaf paper. Only a composition notebook. At first I thought it would be troublesome using a composition notebook because you not clip it into the rings of your binder for convenience (yes it HAD to be a composition notebook). But it was actually extremely convenient. The only time we had to have our binders out was at the beginning of class when we wrote down our homework and took out our notebooks, and at the end of class, when we needed to put them away. The rest of class we only had to have our notebooks out. The sheets, notes, and study guides she handed out were only on half sheets of paper and could easily be taped into our notebooks. The tape wasn't as bad as you would expect. It was very neat actually. Materials were also convenient. They would be at the side of each didn't even have to get up to access them! All homework is done in our notebooks. As a teacher she is fine but her teaching style is very good. My friend told me that she didn't like Science class but she had gotten a good midterm grade on it. I strongly believe that this is because of the teaching style.
***this is fairly old I forgot to post it