After The Storm
Yesterday there was a hurricane! (Well, not really--by the time it reached MA it was just a tropical storm with hurricane gusts.) Anyways, the media completely overreacted...but I guess overreacting is better than not reacting at all. There was a really really tall pine in our backyard that kept swaying back and forth. My dad got a little nervous and kept asking, "Is that our tree or theirs? How do you know?" Well, in the end we were just fine. We didn't even lose power!
Today you can barely tell that there had been a storm!

The sky is blue and cloudless
While the sun shines bright
The shadows of trees don't move
There is no wind to rustle their branches.
All you can see After The Storm
Is the remains of scattered leaves and twigs
To have brought peace from rage.Because her rage
Was full of sadness and when she left
Her sadness blossomed back to happiness
Because everything is fair in Nature's eyes.
That's a poem I just came up with after I looked at the photos! Isn't the sky so blue?
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