Barney put the jeweled turtle down and rushed out the door. After second thought he rushed back in and slipped it into his coat pocket. A pair of eyes watched him from the closet.
Barney rushed up to the street vender and the old lady inquired, "Oh, hello Barney? How do you do to-"
Barney curtly interrupted her, "Have you seen a suspicious man?"
"Sus-picious?" She asked quite slowly, thinking over it, like a cow chewing on grass.
A few long seconds past.
"Ehhh...?" She looked up at him, "What is wrong?"
"Well, have you seen a suspicious man!"
"Why yes, of course!" She exclaimed and smiled, "He was past my right across that street, holding a turtle with water on his cloak from a turtle tank..." She giggled.
Barney took off down the street, took a corner and squeezed into a narrow alleyway, a nice hideaway for gangsters. He felt around a bit, (It was a bit dark...) and found the rusty ladder that he had been searching for. He climbed up to the roof and looked down. Nobody was in the street...the vender had also left.
A gust of wind blew from behind and he turned around. The old lady was behind him, smiling crookedly.
"When it comes to life," She said, "Be happy with what you have..."
She put Tito onto the ground, and said, "Two turtles would only lead you into trouble, pick the one you favor!" And with that she disappeared.
Barney blinked and took Tito.
Only one?
Fine, he thought and put the jeweled turtle onto the ground. Suddenly he exploded into dust...
Barney opened his eyes and heard the chirping of his alarm clock. He walked over to the turtle tank. Both turtles were there.
And he knew that he was going to return the jeweled turtle first thing today.
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