Monday, December 26, 2011

Down the Shadow-tainted Road

Her fingers rake through
the fresh black earth.
Grainy sand digs into her nails
She scoops the aroma of rhubarb,
to the side.

And knows so well-
the touch of beets
Back arched, aching, kneeling for eternity
Thinking, thinking, thinking,
of her home in Punjab -
her piece of heaven.

The shade grants little comfort,
and her feet sink deeper,
into the soft dirt
Every tomorrow -
these imprints will be revisted,
under the same trees.

Dreaming of a bell's bright ringing,
from, the schoolyard days
She wanders,
Down the shadow-tainted road.

A Haughty Road, and Sing a Song of Peace

I am from a wood worn cabin
Where the old man Imagination lives
I am from the cloudless sky,
            Which I painted with a bristled brush
from the weeping trees, mist, Rosemary
scent before

I am from a crumbling gate,
A haughty-looking road
            Overbearing from use
Where my thoughts were bought,
Where the yonder,
always lost

I am from a meadow
The grass will never end
And the trees there-they rustle,
As they sing a song...
of Peace

Wolf 3

Wolf 2

Wolf 1

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Nature Diary #10


Wait, It's a Squirrel?

    Yesterday I was trying to take a few pictures of a pair of cardinals that were perched in my back yard.  Then I started hearing a bird that was chirping loudly.  The same call kept responding.  I looked over to the source of the latter call and saw a big grey bird in a tree.

   When I came closer to the gray bird, I saw that it was a squirrel!

   And to my disbelief, it was imitating the other bird and making odd sounds using the back of its throat - or so that is what I believe.  He looked quite silly there, shaking slightly every time he made the noise, his fluffy tail shuddering.

   I wonder, is it really normal for squirrels to do that?

Sunday, October 9, 2011


If I were a messenger,
And you were too,
Where to go, where to play?
Where to conceal our words?

We'll find her wistful birds,
That prune their deep blue feathers
And bask in the chilling mountain wind
And spread our messages...

And if we're successful,
It will spread like a vigilant
Yet silent wildfire,
And war shall wring no more...

Friday, September 23, 2011

The Fox's sun

 The Fox's Sun

The yearning beams of sunlight peek out from beneath the hills-engraving the grass with a fine thick brush, giving the trees another life.

The little fox who sleeps late, wakes instead to find himself wrapped in a blanket of dancing gold. Yet he still feels the delicate twinkling of the previous night's crisp cold air.

Does he know what he is seeing?

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Gaze


A gaze can stop you
In your tracks
But sometimes a brighter one
Will push you forward

This gaze was neither
Which means it was both too
It stopped me
It pushed me

The gaze of the frightened creature
Made me lower my long-barreled
Gun from atop my stiff shoulders
And let it go unharmed

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Diana's birds

The birds in the moonlight
Never cease their flight
Silver tints those feathers
From the transparent silvery shine

The birds do not cease to fly
Mooney wings widespread...
Fluttering and soaring
Within the hauntingly lovely night

Spanish Correction!

    My mom and I were riding the bus back from my violin class.  She spotted a sign that said "This Bus is Equipped with Security Cameras" It was in English and Spanish.  My mom started reading the Spanish out loud and saying how similar it was to English and Latin.  She read, translated and kept reading.

    A guy that was sitting next to us started correcting my mother's off-tune and off-beat Spanish.  My mom looked a little embarrassed but followed along.  Looking back, I guess you should learn a language before using it!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

STEVEN CALLAHAN adrift at sea

    Adrift at Sea is a short book that I have recently read.  It talks about a thirty year old man named Steven Callahan who is trapped at sea on his tiny life boat.  He nearly starves, dehydrates, and gets eaten alive by sharks.  Callahan stays  alive for over two months, floating on the salty ocean.  So long that barnacles start to grow on the bottom of the raft and fish start eating the barnacles.  After he is saved, he doesn't let the terrible experience stop him from sailing.

    The book also talks a little about Callahan's life.

    It is the kind of book that is very interesting but only takes you fifteen minutes to read.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What is The Meaning of My Life? (Chinese Story)

    There once was a little monk who wanted to know what the meaning of his life was.  So he asked his master, "Master, masterer, can you tell me what the meaning of my life is?"

    He answered in a wise tone, "Go up to the mountain behind our monastery, my boy, find a boulder and bring it to the market.  If someone asks how much the boulder is, don't say anything, just put up two fingers.  If they are still interested, don't sell it, bring it back here and I will tell you the meaning of your life."

    The young monk did as his master said and brought a boulder down to the market.  A while later, an old lady approached him and inquired, "Young man, how much do you want for this boulder?"

    The monk put up two fingers.

    "Two yuan? " She asked. The little monk said nothing. "No? Twenty then. Oh, well, I need it to help me pickle some vegetables." She said.

    The little monk was amazed, "There are so many boulders on our mountain." He took the boulder back, and told his master, "Guess what?  A lady at the market wanted to buy this boulder for twenty yuan!  Now will you please tell me the meaning of my life?"

    The master replied, "Once again take the boulder, then instead, go to the museum and stand besides it.  Do the same thing and return.  Then I shall tell you the meaning of your life."

    The monk took the boulder and placed it in the museum.  He stood besides it like his master had told him to.

    A little later a bearded man came over and said, "Hey you!  Is this boulder for sale?  It seems pretty old.  How much?"

    Once again, the young monk put up two of his fingers.

    "Well, well," the bearded man said, "Now, is that two hundred yuan?  No?  How about two thousand?"

    The monk smiled and shook his head then returned to the monastery.  "Master!" he chirruped excitedly, "Today someone offered two thousand yuan for that bolder! Tell me the meaning of my life now."

    His master chuckled and said, "Now, now, bring this boulder once more, except this time bring it to an antique shop.  Come back and I shall finally tell you the meaning of your life."

    The little monk was off again.  He brought the boulder to an antique shop and set it down.  No later did someone approached him and asked, "Do you know how much this rock is worth? Eh?"

    And so, the monk put up two fingers.

    "So that's two thousand?  Or perhaps twenty thousand yuan?"

    The monk hurried excitedly back to his master.  He said, "Today some thought the boulder was worth twenty thousand!"

    The master nodded his long neck and smiled, "Oh, You see.  Your life is like this boulder, my dear student, the greater you value yourself, the greater you are truly worth."

    The monk remembered this for the rest of his life ...

Monday, August 29, 2011

House Near the Mountains

This is a wood project.  I used a Vice Versa burning tool and acrylic paint.

Nature Diary #9


After The Storm

    Yesterday there was a hurricane! (Well, not really--by the time it reached MA it was just a tropical storm with hurricane gusts.)  Anyways, the media completely overreacted...but I guess overreacting is better than not reacting at all.  There was a really really tall pine in our backyard that kept swaying back and forth.  My dad got a little nervous and kept asking, "Is that our tree or theirs?  How do you know?"  Well, in the end we were just fine.  We didn't even lose power!

    Today you can barely tell that there had been a storm!
                                                           AFTER THE STORM
The sky is blue and cloudless
While the sun shines bright  
The shadows of trees don't move
There is no wind to rustle their branches.

All you can see After The Storm
Is the remains of scattered leaves and twigs
But other than that the storm seems
To have brought peace from rage.

Because her rage
Was full of sadness and when she left
Her sadness blossomed back to happiness
Because everything is fair in Nature's eyes.

      That's a poem I just came up with after I looked at the photos!  Isn't the sky so blue?

black receipt

     Today some section of a receipt turned black!  It had been lying under a warm tray from the oven so I figured the blackening had something to do with heat.  So I did a little research...

Blackened Receipt

    I was right! Receipt paper is made out of thermal paper which paper that reacts to heat. When you also briskly swipe a nail over thermal paper, it may may a black, blue, or red mark!

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Another piece of woodwork!!!  This is a swan I carved and painted with watercolor.  When I finished painting I covered it with a clear oil base coating. (The reason it didn't smudge when I put the coating on was because it was oil based.)  When I put the coating on my hands got REALLY sticky!  It was very hard to get off!  I even tried to use dishwasher soap and it didn't work.  My dad told me that I was supposed to use paint thinner...that worked immediately but my hands smelled weird the rest of the day.

Ocean church

     This is a picture that I drew with a wood burning tool.  I had to constantly switch points to make different textures in the wood.   My favorite part is the moon in the background.  I used a knot in the wood to make it.

Ocean Church

The steady surge of the chestnut mount I ride has feelings too,
For he even stops before I was to will him with a rounding jerk on his reins,
He loves scene as much as I do, his neigh echos in the crisp night air,
And somehow he knows deep in himself that we have come to the end,

The end is also our beginning-- like the wind that frolics the sailboat playfully,
As it rocks lost in thought in the warm summer ocean truly innocent,
Her captain does not care that the boat is drifting off course,
He does not care that the lighthouse is dimming and sometimes dark without light,

The church is just a mere cottage, its bricks worn out like wood, eerie from the cheesy moon,
Its cross that used to stand proud on the moldy shingled roofs, is lost in time,
My horse and I have not come too soon and we know we must be going,
And as I said, every journey ends and then there comes the beginning.

Flying Girl

I got the inspiration to draw this picture from a story in the FLIGHT comics.  The comic is titled "On Importance of Space Travel".  It was drawn by Svetlana Chmakova who is a manga artist.

I liked the comic a lot and enjoyed reading it countless times.  There is a preview of it on her website.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Thirteen chosen steps

Everyone knows
Where the timid snake lives
Where the crabs hide away
Where the stones are too
smooth to skip

Everyone knows
That they are where they should be,
That thirteen chosen steps
Have brought them here
Only to lead you away

Everyone knows
Know is the sweet time:
while the trees whisper 'here, he-ere'
while the water gurgles 'thirteen'
To take everything when you can

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Nature diary # 9


Cliff View/ Art of Nature

    My family went on the hiking trails today.  We climbed a pretty high mountain and saw the view off the edge of a cliff--straight down, maybe even tilted over that point.  We also saw some nice flashes of nature...Anyways, let these photos do the talking:

These Mushrooms are very very orange---More orange than this photo

There is a little fruit growing on this plant that looks like a cactus blossom 


A thick carpet of moss

Very Berry

Carefully balanced...  By who?  By what?

A huge stone

Rock road and overgrowth

This is a trail and hiking sign

A pretty spiky fallen tree trunk

Three round 'Shrooms

Monday, August 8, 2011

Lamenting scene

The water laps on the rocks,
As the rain thrashes the trees,
Oh, the footsteps of the clouds above,
show no sign of fading...

The rain is somewhat lamenting,
For its loss over the lake that stretches beyond,
Oh, its laments bring my happiness,
In this gloomy landscape...

The poor little droopy pine,
Gives poor cover, over the rising tide,
Oh, beauty is what describes this scene
As "Ugly" will not enter my thoughts...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

See Beyond

Those who close their eyes
Not from annoyance,
But to see beyond,
They open their minds

But Those who keep their eyes open
Not from fear,
But so they may observe,
They open their minds as well

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Nature Diary # 8


Talking Cat

     I    think that I might know how to talk cat a bit since I've been observing some in my neighborhood and "Talking" to them.

        Or maybe they've just gotten used to me.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Hidden Secrets

Notice, friends,
That the water in
Thy cup is still
Yet holds no secrets

But if, the wind
Shall rock it
Those hidden secrets
will be swept away

Friday, July 1, 2011


To pick up a pebble
From the river bed
Is to pick up a piece
of your soul

To drop a pebble
Into the frigid stream
Is not throwing it away
But sending it on a journey

I found a pebble
a small happy white pebble
Set it afloat on a leaf
And I watched it go ...

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Nature diary #7


The Perfect Home

         Today I keep seeing a chickadee of some sort that keeps going into a hole in the tree and coming out with small strips of wood in its beak.  It drops the wood onto the ground and continues going into the hole.

          I figure that it is trying to make the space in the hole bigger so tat it can build a nest in there.

          By the end of the day, piles of woodchips are scattered on the sidewalk...I wonder how it would be like to live in a place like that--especially if I were a bird.  I suppose that it would be more adequate and sheltering than the classical nest on the fork of a branch.  Then again, it might be more stuffy.

          I really do wonder sometimes...

Friday, June 24, 2011




 This is the top-most layer of the pagoda.  It shows the inside and outside of the floor.  In this picture, the removable roof is not included.  It is basically the empty, unused, attic.  If you look closely, you might see some cobwebs made from thin strands of hot glue.  (The glue we used to assemble this project.)  I would say, overall, this layer took us the least amount of time to make, compared to some of the more complex ones.

*see whole pagoda (top of pg.)


LAYER 2nd TO TOP   2

   This is the second layer in the pagoda.  It shows one of the outer walls that is not incorporated in the whole picture of this project at the top of this page.  The Chinese symbol you see on it is the character for sky.

    At the bottom of the layer, you see cardboard sticking out. That is so that you can stack and unstack the layers and is attached to every layer.


This is the middle layer of the pagoda.  These are both pictures of the inside:  the wall is a mix of green and blue and though the floor is wrinkled, that only shows that it is loose, fluffy, and nice to walk on.  The left picture features the comfy floor and the fancy "curly" curtain.  It also shows the hole on the ground that would have a string attached so you could slide down from, or climb to the level.  The picture was taken from the Right window.  The other picture features a bad we didn't make a TV.  It was taken from the window visible in the two pictures.


Now... (drum roll please!) I present to you...


    I think that you would agree that by far, this is the best layer yet...The atmosphere that it gives off is just wonderful.  This layer also took us the longest to create.

    *Scroll down to view snapshots of our favorite story*

The hopeful curtain, The lonely plant
Outside view; table, mat, and carpet seen from window
From a door, I see the other door

Mirror, Mirror, on the wall
A view to the outside world
I look in to see a crystal

This is the last layer, or the bottom most layer.  It shows a mirror, shrine, and a curtain.  The mirror was created using a CD that was cut to shape.  The shrine was designed so that if  you lift up the lid to the altar, you would see a crystal in it.  The curtain was made by folding fabric.

City Lights

Sequins, sequins-
Decorate the skyline,
City lights
Are high now,

rushing by ......

Nature diary #6


Some Things are Missed

         It seems like the baby birds are not present in their nest but somewhere else.  And furthermore, I have missed their departure!   Now I will never see the birds grow up.
         I suppose some things in nature are missed and other things are meant to be missed.

Gloomy Weather

    The weather these past couple days has been...rather gloomy.  But, of course, gloomy doesn't mean bad.  It just is a different flavor in the trend of weather.

    In fact I think that it is pretty nice to take an evening walk in the rain in your rain boots and with your umbrella.  There is a more silent and fresh atmosphere.  Something different that strikes the mind.

    But of course, this gloomy weather means that we can't do some things sport related and yard related.  So most of you out there will probably want it to end soon.

Friday, June 17, 2011


The rain pours down
Without mercy in the world outside
Join in and get soaked
By the silvery streaks of silk

Now huddle inside
Colorful blankets wrapped around you
Fix a cup of mint tea
Along-side a fire that fizzes with every


Saturday, June 11, 2011



"Let me feed you!"
     Recently I've been seeing the mother bird feed her babies.  When the mother comes, those little creatures will start making a huge ruckus and chirp like mad.  Then I see the mother jump to the edge of the nest and lean over.  Then two tiny gray beaks will protrude from the nest and open their mouths.  The mother then "feeds" them.  

        When she leaves, her offspring are once more silent.  

Midnight Shadow

Arrive to see the shadow slip,
Through the midnight atmosphere
You follow and you feel a nip,
On your cold ankle

When you look down,
There is an abandoned ash black cat
And the stray tugs at your gown,
To beckon you back home

Because it sees itself in you

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Poem I like

"I sit at my window this morning where the world like a passerby, nods to me and goes."
- Rabindranath Tagore

        I like this poem because it gives me a feeling of understanding that time is passing and that the world is watching you as you watch it.

Nature Diary - #4


Hatched Fuzzballs

They hatched! They hatched! The birdies finally hatched!

I climbed up a ladder to check if the birds hatched yet. When I looked, I saw two fuzzballs curled up in the nest, sleeping. I have to admit that the fuzzballs looked really ugly. I could slightly make out the fact that there were two birds but it was hard to tell. They haven't grown feathers yet.

After I took a few pictures, I retired down the ladder. I didn't want the mother to get so anxious about humans that she would abandon her babies.

I can't wait to watch how the birds grow up and learn how... ...

... ... To Fly.

*see NATURE DIARY to view entries in chronological order.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Nature Diary #3


Tornado Warning

    Yesterday two tornadoes passed through Massachusetts.  I had a violin recital in Newton so I was on the lookout.  I was kind of secretly wanting to see the the tornadoes since I never seen one live, but in a way I didn't want to see them.

          I heard that some people had to go through psychiatry after seeing one of the tornadoes.  Lots of trees went down and roofs were blown away.

         In Newton, the remains of the tornadoes were lots of hard rain coming down.  I guess that is why today is colder than the past two weeks.

         I think you could see this event almost as if Nature is giving us a "Tornado Warning" to remind us how powerful she can sometimes be.  Don't curse this power but respect it.

*see NATURE DIARY to view entries in chronological order.

Monday, May 30, 2011

A Piece of Sky

The window led to a piece of sky
Who told the child the story
of how it came to be

In return,
The child shyly explained
How he came to be aware of the sky

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Nature Diary #2


Everything Heals

oday-as if my encounter yesterday was just a dream-the birds are singing again. I was reminded of the nest that was in my yard. I know that there is an egg in there and the mother occasionally comes to sit in it. I'll record it when the egg hatches.

    But don't worry, I know not to mess around with the nest.

*see NATURE DIARY to view entries in chronological order.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Hope has Chosen Well

Hope is our melody that only a few can sing
She likes to hide then reveal herself,
Hence we do not misuse her.

She finds a singer out of the few
He rejects: "Hope won't help us now"
But Hope is never lost.

She finds another and is welcomed
By a song she knows is hers,
It reminds us of The Mindly Home.

Others join the singer
Others join Hope and link their voices
Hope Rings 'round our world

And Hope has chosen well ... ...

Nature Diary #1


The Way It Was, and The Way It Is

     Today I saw something that I  will never forget.  I hope that most of you out there won't be snickering when you read this but thinking about the title:

         In my yard, a bird sat there, not noticed by anything but the flies.  Soon my father found him and saw that it had been in a fight.  All the feathers on his head had been plucked out and all what was left was a red rotting head and two sullen eyes.  He was Alive, Breathing, And in pain.  But what struck me most was that he was only a baby bird.

         My father said that he most likely was in a nest or tree and fell out.  Then another bird must have mulled him.

         Occasionally, a fly would crawl up the still body and onto the head to lay maggot eggs on the rotten scalp.  As soon as the fly made contact with the exposed skin, the baby bird would shake it off.

          If this wasn't enough, I saw an older bird land onto the ground next to it.  The elder noticed the baby and nudged it.  Then she hopped a few yards away.  A moment later, she came back and stayed there for a while.  It struck me that this might be the babe's mother.  But after a long stay, she flew away. 

          Then, If That Was Not Enough, I heard a call from an anonymous bird.  The injured bird peeped in reply and started hopping into our neighbor's yard. He kept hopping and calling back.  Unfortunately he was going away from the sound.

*see NATURE DIARY to view entries in chronological order.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Sometimes people like to see
The old metal staircase
It reminds them how to be

But sometimes when they seek
Those winding steps
They know how weak
We all really are

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lassel Village

On Sunday I went to Lassel Village, a home for the elderly with many others, to play violin.  We played Rachmaninoff's Vocalise, Vivaldi concerto for four violins, and all of the Vivaldi four seasons as an orchestra.    Our orchestra only had 8 violins, 2 violas, 2 cellos, and one bass, but we played really well.  I think the audience liked it a lot but the program was so long that I bet that many people got tired during the concert.

 I was the 3rd violin for Concerto for Four Violins.  It was very fun to play that piece.  After we were done I wanted to play it all over again.  I also think the rest of the soloists did really well, especially the season Summer's since the Summer has a pretty hard solo part.  And playing with a whole orchestra is pretty scary.

Prior to that, I played in a piano quartet. We played Mozart Piano Quartet in g minor.

I think that it was nice to go to Lassel and play. I hope I have the experience again.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


As the yellow warbler chirps softly
In the cool morning air

As the light wind blows gently
between the trees

As the airy day fades pass slowly
with the sun

We don't mind what awaits us
Just what is Here

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Along the seam of the precipice
Awaiting us with its ocean-like
and sky
Raving with glory, blue with debt.

Sits a crow
Eyes as deep as eternity itself
and an old tree
Gnarled from knowledge but

They all smile:
O' tree, crow, cliff, and sky
It seems as if
They all like the company

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Beyond That Rusted Gate

The fence was rusted far beyond
What you would imagine
Beyond it lays a vast amount
Of barren wasted thoughts

On the wasteland surpassing
That rusted gate
I threw away my ugly thoughts
That did no good to me

They were bright at first
In the dusty air
They seemed to like The Place
But slowly faded away

I felt different
Without my thoughts
In the cool
Bone-chilling air

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Wide and barren road
Much more sky than land
Where shall we travel?

Friday, April 22, 2011


Will I really come?
When I greatly need to come?
Will it come to me?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Stranger

"Look, look into my eyes--"
"Look - look into my eyes, Stranger
Why do you not look
Into my eyes?

Are you afraid.
Are you afraid that you
Will understand yourself if you do so?

How can you travel, to the places
You have traveled--
Without the heart to glance at feelings
Stranger, Your travels are a waste

Why do you even travel?"

O' maiden, I will not look into your eyes
Because it will remind me
Why I'm Here. 

The Hymn of a Gardener

When you snip a flower
Off from the Earth
For your little glass vase
Make it matter.

Make it so the little
Red rose does not mind
That it is not home, 
That it will die soon.

Put it near a window
Give it a shower
Make it feel of use
That it has at least--

Done one good deed, in its life.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


    I just realized that if you look at someone in the eye it's not that comfortable!  Try it yourself!
    I used to think that we looked at people in the eye a lot.  Actually we don't.

Friday, April 1, 2011



Ups and downs
Highs and lows

It ends with the same sound
Just a different octave

Just another word for live

Northern Pintail

Northern Pintail

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Buzzing Button

One day, during my violin practice, the G string on my violin had an unexpected buzzing sound.   It sounded like a sick bee, not that loud,  just annoying. 

My dad and I checked the bridge to see if that was the origin of the problem.  He moved it back and forth, left and right. 

The  buzzing was still there!

Next we took off the fine tuners since we had just put fine tuners on a few days ago.  At first, everything was good... ... BUT THEN THE BUZZING CAME BACK!!!

My dad examined the violin.

"Perhaps it's too old!" he remarked.  Then grumbled, "C'mon...we just bought it!"

We examined to see if it wasn't attached properly then took off the chin rest.  The buzzing ceased, then abruptly started again.

We switched strings...

                        You know what happened~ The buzzing didn't stop

We checked to see if there was anything inside the violin, through the f holes.  NOTHING.


I started practicing violin and suddenly my violin touched a button on my shirt.  My dad yelped, "What's that!"

 "My button", I replied.

Along the cuff of my shirt there were lots of patterned buttons.  I put a sweater over my shirt and played.  An amazing thing happened!  The buzzing stopped.

I played again.

No buzzing.

So, it all comes down to a button that caused all this trouble.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Meaning of Life - combined haikus


You asked one question
A solitary question
The meaning of life


When her seed springs up
Mother soil welcomes child
It's the same with us


We all have desires
To find what drives these desires
carries firm meaning


Art is a desire?
Why--why do we spread it then?
Are desires for others as well?


Think of great things gone?
Think this since they are so great?
Life will show you more

Monday, February 21, 2011

My New Violin

    Yesterday I got my new violin.  Yippee!  I've been waiting for this moment.  Before I knew my violins would come and go so there was no point loving them.

    My new violin is in-between light and dark colored.  It's pretty old and was made by Maline Koel.   If you look through the f holes, you will see the name stamped inside the violin. I think we might need to switch the pegs since they keep slipping. It looks very dirty but I like it that way.  It has a mellow and dark sound.  But you can still make it bright if you try hard.  I really like it. 

    There are also lots of thingamajiggers in the case.  One was a ticket that was for a performance on my mother's birthday!  I think this violin will bring a lot of good to me.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

'The Box'

  My teacher asked me what 'Affettuoso'  meant and I said I didn't know.

  So he said, "Use the box."


  "The box" he repeated.


  My teacher pulled out his phone.
  Oh! he meant the searching box!


Today, I saw the moon outside
What a simple fact.

The hunter  stood with a missing leg,
The moon replaced his head.

Today, the stars were bright outside
They spoke to me at once.

They told me what it meant to live,
to see these types of moments.

Today, the sky formed its link outside
With us and the heavens.

The path fell down in a wift of silk
It unraveled its stories.

I look up at the sky today,
I'm happy that I did.

Snowy Night

Slow they said, that's all they said.
But who would guess?
I didn't go slow.

we heard the storm at
6 O' clock!
my parents' prayers weren't answered.

The snow had sped at
a speed so fast,
screams were droned away.

We're doing fine,
We are doing fine,
but what about everyone else?

Sunday, January 9, 2011


is a forest of eternity

is a gust of passing light

is a pointless ocean

But what is
Friendship-may I ask?
What is
